Kids Jiu Jitsu and Competition 

The pressures kids face in sports can be overwhelming (especially if parents manufacture additional pressure). 

Jiu Jitsu can help our children learn to navigate the pressures of competition and help their daily life by turning each challenge into a stepping stone. In class we focus on the importance of good listening skills, focus, respect, controlling ourselves and discipline.

As parents, we should look to embrace our roles as the ultimate mental coach and supporter, focusing on building our children’s confidence and emotional intelligence. This isn’t just about sports; it’s about shaping a resilient individual for all of life’s challenges.

As a father myself, I understand how scary it is when you don't know the right thing to say... 

Or worse, when you say the wrong thing! 

And it's super easy to feel frustrated. Of course you wish you could fight their battles for them! 

But the child is the one training and competing – not the parent. Instead, we must become our child's number one supporter and their mental coach.

Without guidance or consistency children might end up becoming frustrated, resentful, or worse – they might quit sports forever! Once learning to quit is the way out it can become a habit. We work hard at Bushido to hone the traits of resolve, grit and perseverance (in kids and adults classes). 

It's our mission to teach kids AND adults they can do hard things no matter the feat or fear! Let’s celebrate our kids for having the willingness and boldness to get out there and go for it! 


Supporting the Growth of Bushido Jiu Jitsu Zionsville


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