How did you get started?
Since my childhood years in Brooklyn, NY I have been into martial arts and anime. I just never had the opportunity to try martial arts. I decided to pursue either shotokan Karate or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu when I had more freedom as an adult at the age of 25 around the time of the pandemic. I chose BJJ and I made the right choice. What started out as a hobby eventually became more of a lifestyle.I didn't have a purpose as a white belt in the beginning stage until I decided to compete for the first time and I had an actual goal to prepare for within three months. I got 2nd place at that competition and the routine I built ended up taking over throughout the rest of my life, I train just about every day.
What's the biggest challenge you've encountered in your training and how did you overcome it?
Initially, one of the challenges was training with a clear purpose. The understanding why we're moving the way we do and what goal we're trying to accomplish. Whether it be isolating or controlling an arm, every detail has a purpose and reason. Applying what you learned to an opponent that knows what you're going to do and wants to resist is an indicator if you're applying the move correctly.
What's your favorite thing about training or teaching and why?
For me while training, hitting the move of the day after just learning it in a round of sparring would have to be my favorite thing about training. Teaching has opened up my game and helped me understand jiu jitsu even more. I consider it an opportunity to talk to someone who is now in my shoes where I was four years ago and pass on my experience and prevent them from making my mistakes. I learned that focusing on fundamentals and keeping lessons simple helps with understanding and even teaching, I pick up on details I forgot and didn't really notice especially when students ask questions. More importantly, the simple, fundamental "White Belt Jiu-Jitsu" works at all levels and is effective.
What are your personal goals on and off the mat?
I'm looking forward to improving my game, competing a lot more, and winning on the big stages with the culture developed around my teammates and this academy.
What's something people might be surprised to learn about you?
Many of us are motivated, very few are disciplined and even fewer people are both. If you look at search engine analytics it is said that "motivation" is searched far more frequently compared to "discipline" meaning people are actually trying to get motivated when they should be more disciplined. In my case I've been very disciplined my entire life but I didn't really become motivated until I started competing in jiu jitsu, and at this point I can say I am both motivated and disciplined because of the culture and community developed at this gym and I hope it continues to spread!